More than 6.5 million people in Canada don't have access to primary care

As more doctors retire and our population grows and ages, the situation is poised to get worse. OurCare is a national conversation about the future of primary care. It focuses on the public's expectations, how they define good primary care, and what policy changes they recommend to shape the system.

OurCare for everyone

Over 16 months, between September 2022 and December 2023, OurCare engaged nearly 10,000 people about their experiences with primary care and their values, ideas, and hopes for the future and improvement of that care.

The conversation placed special emphasis on engaging people who have the greatest needs of care, face the greatest barriers to accessing care, and are most likely to be excluded from policy-making decisions about primary care. OurCare had three phases:

  • 9,279 respondents answered questions on access to care, priorities for care, use of walk-in clinics, virtual care, primary care teams, access to health records, and options for system redesign.

    Explore the findings

  • A total of 159 people were engaged in deep dialogues about primary care in British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.

    For each panel, 29–35 members of the public were randomly selected to roughly match the demographics of the province. Together they spent 30–40 hours learning about primary care from experts and then deliberating in small groups to reach consensus on recommendations for a better system.

    Each priorities panel culminated with a report written by the members of the public themselves.

    Read their reports

  • We engaged a total of 192 participants from communities that are consistently underserved by primary care systems and often excluded from policy conversations. We held two roundtables in each of the five provinces in partnership with local community organizations

    In each of these one-day focused dialogues, 14-24 participants shared experiences and challenges accessing primary care and articulated ideas for change.

    Review the findings

Group shot of the Quebec Priorities Panel

Public opinion,
expertly informed

To support all three phases, OurCare convened five provincial advisory groups and two national advisory groups comprising primary care clinicians, researchers, health care administrators, policy-makers and more. We also partnered with more than 75 experts and health care leaders who engaged directly with participants in dialogue and knowledge-building.

A new Standard of primary care

The OurCare Standard represents what every person living in Canada should be able to expect of the primary care they receive. And it provides a framework for comparing different models of primary care and levelling up those models to realize better primary care for everyone living in Canada.

The OurCare Standard

  1. Everyone has a relationship with a primary care clinician who works with other health professionals in a publicly funded team.

  2. Everyone receives ongoing care from their primary care team and can access them in a timely way.

  3. Everyone’s primary care team is connected to community and social services that together support their physical, mental and social well-being.

  4. Everyone can access their health record online and share it with their clinicians.

  5. Everyone receives culturally safe care that meets their needs from clinicians that represent the diversity of the communities they serve.

  6. Everyone receives care from a primary care system that is accountable to the communities it serves.

OurCare is making headlines

Meet the OurCare Team

OurCare is based at the MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto and was conceived and executed in partnership with MASS LBP. OurCare was a large national collaboration and we are grateful to the many people who contributed their time and expertise to make it a success.

Dr. Tara Kiran is the OurCare Principal Investigator.

She is a family physician and scientist at the MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto and the Fidani Chair of Improvement and Innovation at the University of Toronto.

Jasmin Kay is the OurCare National Project Director and Director at MASS LBP. Her experience in uniting community agencies during the pandemic reinforced her belief in trust and reciprocity as key enablers of change.

Peter MacLeod is the OurCare Special Project Advisor and Principal at MASS LBP. He is a leading expert in public engagement and deliberative democracy. He is also an adjunct lecturer at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

OurCare Core Team

Chris Ellis

Emily Holton
MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions

Emily Jin

Richard Johnson

Kayte McKnight

Samira Prasad
MAP Centre for Urban
Health Solutions

Kanya Rajendra
Temerty Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto

Rachel Thelen
MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions

Sarah Yaffe

Chimemwe Alao

Maryam Danesh
MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions

Kirsten Eldridge
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

OurCare Primary Care Regional Leads

Goldis Mitra
(British Columbia)

Mandy Buss

Amanda Condon

Alan Katz

Mylaine Breton

Neb Kovacina

Ruth Lavergne
(Nova Scotia)

Katherine Stringer
(Nova Scotia)

Community Roundtable Collaborating Organizations

Indigenous Primary
Health Care Council


Michael Redhead Champagne

Nova Scotia Health Authority
(Nova Scotia)

TAIBU Community Health Centre

Umbrella Multicultural
Health Cooperative

(British Columbia)

United Way Halifax
(Nova Scotia)

Well Living House

Afrique au Féminin

Black Physicians
Association of Ontario


Clinique Mauve

Disability Without Poverty
(British Columbia)

Durham Community
Health Centre


Elmwood Community
Resource Centre


Halifax Refugee Clinic
(Nova Scotia)

OurCare Advisors

National Collaborating Organizations

Ako Anyaduba
Black Physicians of Canada

Rick Glazier
Canadian Institute for Health Research

John Feeley & Moira Teed
Canadian Medical Association

Christie Newton
College of Family Physicians of Canada

Benjamin Diepeveen, Kajan Ratneswaran,
Susannah Taylor, Elizabeth Toller & Jocelyne Voisin

Health Canada

Bill Callery & Jennifer Major
Healthcare Excellence Canada

Melanie Osmack
Indigenous Physicians
Association of Canada

Manitoba Advisory Group

Keir Johnson
Doctors Manitoba

Ashley Plypowich
Indigenous Services Canada

Mike Loudon
Interlake-Eastern Health Authority

Connie Newman
Manitoba Association of Senior Communities

Ganesan Abbu & Lisa Goss
Manitoba College of Family Physicians (MCFP)

Barbara Wasilewski, Jeanette Edwards & Phil Jarman
Manitoba Health

Scott Sinclair
Manitoba Ministry of Health

Chukwuma (Chuck) Abara
Northern Health Authority

Ian Whetter
Ongomiizwin Health Services

Mpho Begin
Pan-Canadian Patient Council

Brian Schoonbaert
Prairie Mountain Health

Denis Fortier & Vikas Sethi
Shared Health

Alan Katz
Departments of Community Health Sciences and Family Medicine,
University of Manitoba

Amanda Condon
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba

Ian Alexander
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba;
Selkirk Medical Associates

Jose Francois
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba

Karen Appel
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba

Mandy Buss
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba

Nathan Coleman
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba

Rebecca Mueller
Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba

Joanne Maier
Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba

Sara Goulet
Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba

Karen Cook
Office of Community Engagement, University of Manitoba

Melanie MacKinnon
Ongomiizwin Institute of Health and Healing, University of Manitoba

Christine Duprat
Joss Reimer & Mike Nader, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)

British Columbia Advisory Group

Sari Cooper
General Practice Services Committee (GPSC), Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC)

Thuy-Nga (Tia) Pham
Island Health

William Cunningham
Island Health

Ray Chaboyer
North Shore Division of Family Practice

Eliza Henshaw
Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
of British Columbia (NNPBC)

Anthon Meyer
Rural Coordination Centre of BC

Ray Markham
Rural Coordination Centre of BC

Lindsay Hedden
Simon Fraser University

Christie Newton
College of Family Physicians of Canada & Department of Family Medicine, University of British Columbia

Goldis Mitra
Department of Family Medicine, University of British Columbia

Morgan Price
Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia

Rita McCracken
University of British Columbia

Nardia Strydom
Vancouver Coastal Health

Ontario Advisory Group

Jennifer Rayner
Alliance for Healthier Communities

Bryn Hamilton & Kavita Mehta
Association for Family Health Teams of Ontario

Francis Garwe
Durham Community Health Centre

Sophia Ikura
Health Commons Solutions Lab, Sinai Health System

Nicole Blackman
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council

Derelie Mangin
Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University

Sarah Newbery
Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Dana Cooper
Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario

Mekalai Kumanan & Kimberly Moran
Ontario College of Family Physicians

Zahra Ismail & Elizabeth Muggah
Ontario Health

Dominik Nowak, Jim Wright & Rose Zacharias
Ontario Medical Association

Nadia Surani & Darlene Wong
Ontario Ministry of Health

Danielle Brown-Shreves
Restore Medical Clinics

Andrew Pinto
St. Michael’s Hospital, Upstream Lab & Department of
Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

Kamila Premji
Department of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa

Mike Green
Department of Family Medicine, Queen's University

Monica Aggarwal
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Aisha Lofters
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

Danielle Martin
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

Noah Ivers
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

Vanessa Wright
Women’s College Hospital

Valerie St. John
BC Association of Community
Health Centres

Toby Achtman
BC College of Family Physicians

Justine Spencer
BC College of Family Physicians

Danette Dawkin & Renee Fernandez
BC Family Doctors

Alan Ruddiman
BC Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues & Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia

Ted Patterson
BC Ministry of Health

Christina Krause
BC Patient Safety & Quality Council

Birinder Narang
Burnaby Divisions of Family Practice

Kim McGrail
Centre for Health Services
and Policy Research

Kathleen Ross
Canadian Medical Association

Karin Kausky
Doctors of BC

Terri Aldred
First Nations Health Authority

Janet Evans
General Practice Services Committee (GPSC), Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC)

Quebec Advisory Group

Chakib Setti
Association québécoise des médecins du sport et de l'exercice (AQMSE)

Alain Papineau
Collège Québécois de Médecins de Famille

Frantz-Daniel LaFortune
Collège Québécois de Médecins de Famille

Denis Roy
Health and Welfare Commissioner (HWC)

Eric Lavoie
Regional Department of General Medicine (DRMG)

Ariane Murray
Regional Department of General Medicine (DRMG) Montreal

Claude Guimond
Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec

Philippe Lachance, Aurore Deligne, & Ginette Martel
Ministry of Health and Social Services

Nebojsa Kovacina
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University

Isabelle LeBlanc
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University

Kimberly Munro
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University

Maxine Dumas-Pilon
Department of Family Medicine, McGill University

France Légaré
Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine,
Laval University

Marie-Dominique Beaulieu
Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, University of Montréal

Mylaine Breton
Department of Social Science and Medicine, University of Sherbrooke

Yves Couturier
School of Social Work, University of Sherbrooke

Catherine Hudon
Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine, University of Sherbrooke

Stephanie Plante-Blanchette
Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) 

Nova Scotia Advisory Group

Brent Young
Dalhousie Medical School, Dalhousie University

Ruth Lavergne
Department of Family Medicine, Dalhousie University

Katherine Stringer
Department of Family Medicine, Dalhousie University

Leah Jones
Dalhousie Medical School, Dalhousie University

Sarah Cook
IWK Department of Family Medicine - Maternal Newborn Care, Dalhousie University

Samantha Aiton & Muhammad Azam
Department of Health and Wellness, Government of Nova Scotia

Cathie W. Carroll
Nova Scotia College of Family Physicians

Tim Woodford
Nova Scotia College of Family Physicians

Erika Baird
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Graeme Kohler
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Joan Salah
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Lindsay Cormier
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Lindsay Sutherland
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Maria Alexiadis
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Shannon Proctor
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Stephanie Langley
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Leisha Hawker
Doctors Nova Scotia

Maddi McKay
Doctors Nova Scotia

Emily Marshall
Department of Family Medicine, Dalhousie University

Allison Bodnar
Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia

Sharon Rudderham

Melanie Dunlop
Nurse Practitioner Association of Nova Scotia

Pam Glode-Desrochers
Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre

Maggie Keresteci
Canadian Association for Health Services & Policy Research

Andrew MacLean
Dalhousie University

Michel Amar
Former Communications Director, Romanow Commission

Scott Garrison
University of Alberta

Sara Allin
University of Toronto

Vivian R Ramsden
University of Saskatchewan

Additional Collaborators

Patient Advisory Groups

Improving Primary Care Public Advisors
Council at MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions

Patient Voice Advisory Group at
Canadian Medical Association